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Why Give Online?

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Foundation Contacts

Grant Information







Frequently Asked Questions

Who do we contact with questions??

Send inquiries via email to

 Will we support smaller nonprofits??

Yes, we support small, local, grassroots non-profit organizations.

When will nonprofits receive money?

Donations will be made following a vote by all of the agents and employees
of Intero.

What does it mean to support the elderly?

The Intero Foundation will strive to support organizations that provide for the
health and wellbeing (including food, shelter, health services) of the elderly.

Why have we added the elderly to our target audience?

We believe the elderly are an underserved community and we would like to
provide them with a better quality of life.

Will the Foundation give away holiday grants?

Yes. Holiday grants are a tradition that Intero celebrates every year with its
agents, employees and communities. A separate grant application will be
available for organizations to apply for aid during the Fall season each year.

When and how do non-profits apply for a grant?

Please email for more information.

How does a non-profit know if they qualify for a grant?

Please visit our website for more

What is the role of the Foundation Ambassador?

Ambassadors are the key to the Foundation’s success! Their role includes:
inform agents in the offices they represent about what is going on with the
Foundation; organize and participate in fundraising events; encourage
donations from people in their local office; and serve as representatives of the
Intero brand through their volunteer work and fundraising activities. They will
refer all non-profits to the Intero Foundation website, where a standard grant
application will be available.

Why have we joined forces with SVCF?

Our partnership with Silicon Valley Community Foundation broadens our
visibility with other businesses and individuals that are passionate about
philanthropy. It is the largest and most respected community foundation in the world, and provides a keen level of expertise to help us succeed in our mission.

Intero Real Estate Services, Inc. ©2025

Intero Real Estate Foundation is a 501(c)(3) public charity register in the United States, EIN #87-0688284. Contributions will be tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law.

Giving is easy! Click here to donate directly to the Intero Foundation through PayPal. Thank you for your generosity!