Grant Information

Our Mission & Vision

The Intero Foundation is, in essence, our vehicle for expressing a meaningful and sustained commitment to our community.

Thank you for your interest in the Intero Foundation Granting process. The Intero Foundation Grants is a competitive process and facilitated by invitation through the Intero Foundation Ambassadors. To contact your area Intero Foundation Ambassador, please refer to our Ambassador list HERE. Organizations must meet the Intero Foundation granting criteria of serving youth or seniors and must be a registered 501c3 organization. 

Foundation Goals

To positively impact the well-being of children and the elderly in the communities we serve. To be a role model in the community by demonstrating good corporate citizenship and to enhance Intero’s mission to have a positive impact on the people we serve.

Primary Areas of Focus

The Intero Foundation seeks out organizations that make a lasting positive difference in people’s lives through education, development, and assistance, and whose primary focus is children and the elderly living in our communities.

Eligibility and Guidelines

The Intero Foundation grant application process is by invitation only.

Program must serve communities within the California counties of Alameda, Contra Costa, Monterey, Nevada, Placer, Sacramento, San Benito, San Francisco, San Mateo, Santa Clara, and Santa Cruz. Organizations must have their 501(c)(3) tax exemption status. Eligible organizations must be able to show that their services have a long-term positive impact on children’s and/or the elderly/senior’s lives

Main funding priorities:

Children ages birth thru the teenage years:

  1. Education, development, counseling, and mentoring.
  2. Providing food, shelter and other basic human needs.
  3. Education/training and care for children with life-altering disabilities.


  1.  Provide food, shelter, and other basic human needs
  2. Health services

Organizations receiving Intero Foundation funding in consecutive years may not be eligible to receive a grant..

What we do not fund:

Intero Foundation contributions are not usually made to the following:

• Human Services programs that simply maintain their clients’ conditions
• Organizations that discriminate by race, creed, gender, sexual orientation, age, religion, or national origin
• Organizations whose primary mission is grant making or fundraising
• Multi year grant support requests
• Capital building funds, challenge grants, and matching grants
• Professional associations, labor organizations, fraternal organizations, or social clubs
• Reducing debts or past operating deficits
• Political or partisan organizations
• Research and pilot projects/programs or studies
• Scholarships
• Programs such as athletic programs, sporting events, competition or tournaments, conferences/seminars, festivals, field trips, fundraisers, pilot programs, films
If you have any questions please contact our Intero Foundation team at

“Thanks to Intero Foundation’s support, Jacob’s Heart is providing essential, daily support to 350 seriously ill children and 1,600 of thier family members. Your contribution has helped us to offer vital services to families, including housing, food, and emotional support, that have helped to build healther and more resilient lifestyles for these families.

Your gift has been instrumental in improving bicultural, equitable access to supportive service for children with cancer and their families. We’ve attached some of our impact photos to experience it yourself. We are deeply grateful for your kindness and generosity. I also included a link to a short video from a recent tenn outing; these monthly groups are a lifeline for teens, all of whom share the impact of cancer and can relate to one another, which is difficult with others.”

– Jacob’s Heart
Intero Real Estate Services, Inc. ©2025

Intero Real Estate Foundation is a 501(c)(3) public charity register in the United States, EIN #87-0688284. Contributions will be tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law.

Giving is easy! Click here to donate directly to the Intero Foundation through PayPal. Thank you for your generosity!